We were deciding on possible locations for our music video.We are considering paris,we believe that the eiffel tower would be a perfect location for the music video. Additionally as Paris is the connotation of love and as our music video has an element of love within it we thought this location would link well into it. Therefore I researched into music videos that would of used the location of Paris to see what it would look like.
I emailed the manager of the music video 'bottled up tight' 'Julian Deane Which was sung by Luke Sital Singh. And I asked him the following question. This is an screen shot from my email.
His reply to this was that they didn't have any problems with shooting by the eiffel tower and didn't ask for any permission. This is an screenshot of his reply.
This helped us gain an insight into locations we could shoot in that we thought we may of not bveen able to in terms of having to ask for permission.