Sunday, 23 March 2014

Nicole Burrows- Digi Pack

I still have some editing that I need to do to the images but this is my final digi Pack almost complete.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Nicole's Question three- What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

 Gaining Feedback

By gaining feedback on my rough cut, it enabled me to imprvoe and then develop my offical music video. I beleive that it is important for me to take into condiferaton the polite crticsm made through my audicne feedback because I ensured that my feedabck was coming form my target. audicne. Therefore, I was reading opions from the people that I have create dmy music video for, and so there comments are important; as they are the ones that I want to sell my artisit too through promoting my music video, digi pack and website.

Firstly, I gathered some feedback through my rough cut by asking my targt aucine of teenage girls to you young women to wathch my rough cut. And then I questioned them on the music video overall. For example, how clear and professioanl did the msuc video appear? Did you build a relationship with the artist? What could I improve upon? This therefore helped me understand their oppions and ewhat I could then do to improve and develop my music video and its look as a whole.

Audience Feedback


 Audience comments on mock music video.

Form gathering my answers these were the responses I received. I looked at all of the answers and cam up with an overall answer from each question.

Q1- In what ways is the music video convincing, is it watchable?

From gathering my research I found out that on average the girls thought that the music video was watchable due to the bright colours, surreal locations and the ‘odd’ featuring of the rabbit heads. Additionally, they said that they thought it was relatable, which was one of the reason why they found it watchable. Furthermore, this is was important to hear because I wanted to ensure that my target audience could relate to my music video. Also the viewers and respondents told me that they could relate to it because the girls wore fashionable clothing and so it was a form of inspiration as the respondents told me that they then wanted to go out and wear them clothes because they were inspired by how they were worn and featured in the music video. Additionally, as they said they could relate to the relationships within the music video because they are young women who have experienced these situations themselves and so they could relate to it, which was one of the reasons why my target audience thought it, was watchable. 

Q2- Is the performance sell the band to you, do they come across as an actual group/artist?

From looking at the responses for this question , the average answer was that  they could clearly define who the artist was in the music video  through a variety of different reason. Firstly because she was deemed as attractive by the responses I got.  The then said this helped us identify who the artist was because the artist in a music video is always attractive. Also as she was lip synching to the music video they could also tell she was the artist .

Q3- Do you understand the narrative?

In general they enjoyed the narrative however they believed it could be slightly clearer. They wanted the reason for the boys wearing the rabbit heads to be clearer. This will be something I will have to work on. For example, specifically showing each boy putting on the rabbit heads. This will then make it clearer for the audience to understand why the boys put on rabbit heads.

Q4-What improvements could be made?

With the improvements most of the respondents wanted the narrative to be clearer. However as it was conceptual, they appreciated that they had to understand and then interpret the meaning themselves. However, they would want me to make the relationship with the boys clearer. This is something I would improve on when I make the music video again. 

Q5- Does it meet the genre expectations - can you tell what genre it is? How well edited - lip synching, repetitious, enough variety of footage.

Form looking at then information they understand that there was a indie vibe to the music video. They could identify it through the close clothing and the bright colours which made them also think of the pop genre too. Additionally, they understood that it was  a indie pop genre through the locations too. One respondent specifically identified this through the locations and how they were all natural. For example, the bonfire, the rivers and the castle in the countryside.   

However, I wanted to gather a variety of feedback. Therefore,  I decided to ask my target audience about my rough cut  through a variety of media technologies that I knew that they would be active on. Such as Facebook, Survey monkey and Youtube.Therefore, I could reach all of my target aducien becasue they would all use different media sites. I knew that they would use these sites becausue, my tarhet aducine are young and todays society of young adults generally use these social networks.

I used Facebook to receive feedback on my rough cut and my official music video. Facebook was useful as I could share the music video directly from youtube onto a post. I then wrote a comment asking if people who are my friends on Facebook could view it. This was evidentially a successful promotional techniques as I received over twenty likes on the post  and 12 positive comments on the post.And additionally when I checked my viewing on Youtube the next day they had increased from 24 views to over 300 views in the space of twenty fours of me sharing my music video onto Facebook. it then went from 300 views to 500.

This was the feedback I received from my official music video. I found that there was no criticism and that the feedback and comments given were positive. Additionally, most of the comments were from my target audience of young girls to young women. This was important, because it meant that my target audience were interested in giving me feedback and praising me on my music video because they enjoyed it. Therefore meaning that I had successfully promoted my music video on the correct social sites that my target audience evidentially have access too, so that they could watch it and comment on the music video when they enjoyed it. 

Audience comments on my official music video from Youtube 

I looked on youtube for my target audicne by looking at the people who wathced and commenteed on SUnday Girls songs. This is because I knew if they postiivley commented on her sogns, it means that they ar eitnerested in her music and her as an artist, therefore they would be my target aducine. I looked at the youtube clip of Sunday Girl's song called Heaven. There was two comments one from a man and one form a girl.

As my video is targeted at females, I decied to message the girl Amber, asking her if she could watch my music video of this song. I then sent her a list of questions, asking if she could answer a few of them. I then attached my music video to the bottom of my message via Youtube so that It would be easy for her to watch ti and be able to give me some feedback. 

I then attached my music video to the bottom of my message via Youtube so that It would be easy for her to watch ti and be able to give me some feedback.

Amber Roberts, replied to my message very quickly, which showed me she was an active user of Youtube, and was intrigued to watch my response to Sunday girls song Heaven into a music video.  This showed me that her feedback would therefore be relevant as she is a fan of Sunday girl, and so she would be one of my target consumers.  She enjoyed the music video and stated that it waa 'convincing' She beleived that I had edited the lip synching with the music in effectivley too. This is important to know becasue within a professional music video the lip synching has to be accurate and as mine was, according to Amber it suggetss htat she beleives my music vide was successful.  She thought there was a variety of visuals within the mu civdeo too. for example she stated that there was 'lots of locations and fiffeetnc ltoehs too'sicTo improve, she beleived that some of the frames were clearer than others. Also with my colour gradign she sated that she thought that 'some shots were brither than others' Therefroe, even though I have fisnihed my offcil music video, this feedback is still benefcial for furutre prodctions and it is effective to write within my evalaution too.

Audience Feedback from Survey Monkey 

I found out that from my rough cut the responses suggested that the beginning of the music video was most unclear out of the beginning , middle and end. therefore Survey Monkey was useful as it allowed me to reconsider what was so confusing about the beginning of my rough cut and what I could then do about this on my real music video to ensure that the target audience will not be confused about the beginning. Therefore I used the audience feedback to improve the beginning section of my music video for the official one.