Sunday, 23 June 2013

Searching for our Client.

Looking For our client


We searched on unsigned artist WebPages to find our client. We wanted someone based in England and preferably from London as then it would be easier to contact, communicate and meet our client. We wanted an artist that is talented, modern and visually looks as though an artist should. For example, attractive, unique, talented, modern and marketable. We know this form previous succesful artsits based in London. For example, Dizee Rascal, Pixie Lott, professor green, leona Lewis. Therefroe we understand that If our cleint is from london then there succes rate would be higher.

We looked onto the website sound cloud and found our client- ‘ Sunday Girl’. Instantly the name of the artist is memorable and after listening to some of her music we thought that it was relevant to today’s society of music. it is important that it is relevant so that it can be enjoyable to the clients audience and therefore successful. It is important the music video is successful therefore we believed that this artist would be a suitable client or us to make music video with. Additionally she is based in London which helps us to contact her easily. Also, as we live in the same area as the client it will be easier to communicate ideas as our opinions on the concept of the music video may be similar due to living within the same society of music.

We noticed instantly from looking at her webpage on soundcloud that she already has 15 songs. This suggests that she is dedicated to becoming successful and possible signed as she has already produced a lot of tracks that she has sung and it suggests she is passionate about her music. . Her dedication makes us want to have her as a client as her dedication and passion for her music determines the success over all of our music video.

As well as soundcloud, she had made herself available on Facebook , Twitter, MySpace , YouTube and has even made her own website called ‘Sunday Girl Website’ This emphasizes her dedication to her music. We want to work with an artist that is committed because it will improve the overall outcome of the music video because everyone involved in it is passionate about it being successful.

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