Thursday, 7 November 2013

Analysing a past A2 music video.

Negatives Media music video A2 last year.


Blurry - not good quality
Out of synch - miming not in time - some of it is and some of isn't which is even worse as there is no consistency makes it unrealistic If they were miming all out of time it would show the auricle there are being comical if its a bit of both it just looks like a mistake and not good quality


Give off an image- cockneys ate through props and the costume they wear and smoking.

Slightly hyper real as he exaggerates the cockney image through using a variety of stereotypical cockney characteristics by eating the chips, smoking and the bat he is wearing.. However for the auricle to understand his charter more he needs to be more hyper real to communicate this to the audience.

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