Thursday, 2 January 2014


9am- pick up girls take them to mine.

9.20am- get them to start getting ready in my room.

9.40am- arrive at boys houses.

10am- arrive home. drive with mum and dads help to enysford.

10.30am- start shooting - At the beginning Paige has a moody face- change if possible.In the first shot they should all be wearing rabbit heads. As the camera fades away.

10.50am - At 0.16 There is a shadow on Paiges face.try to shoot without it. Then do shot of paige being touched by boys.

11.10 am -0.27 scaffolding behind.

11.20am more striking poses of boys in holesDigi Pack Photo shoot- take pics of boys on rocks, one sitting crossed legged, one chucking up in the air the hat, the other with it on backwards on his head looking at then hat fly with a typical hand to the forehead pose. And the other one hanging off the edge

11.50am 1.53- George S and Taylor cheating more realistic, shock of cheating-paiges facial expression. More from over the shoulder. In the castle greens in the corner- she stumbles running and crying. Shaky camera?


12.25pm- paige needs to appear in a shot by herself when everyone appears in there groups one by one and then take me  out of the shot and put her in.

12.35pm- tom and paiges scene- Paige and tom relationship- he leaves her – slow motion holding hands letting go. At the river – letter – break up with her.- throws in river.

Do quick photoshoot of the girls.


1-      Alternative shots if don’t go to camber- what could we shoot?

-Digi Pack Photo shoot- take pics of boys on rocks, one sitting crossed legged, one chucking up in the air the hat, the other with it on backwards on his head looking at then hat fly with a typical hand to the forehead pose. And the other one hanging off the edge.Take some of the girls too.

Show location of castle a bit more. Tracking , birdseye view- climb up the rocks. the bridge.

Monday Shoot

Me and India will be doing some photo’s in the woods- etc

then back to mine SET UP EVERYTHING.- hsoe , fire, tripod, lighting , props , costume and where we are going to shoot the black and white photoshoot.

4pm- pick up the girls. from train station .

4pm – India picks up the boys. Get chips on the way back.

4.50pm – eat and 10 minutes later get ready.

5pm- finish hair and makeup

6pm- do 15 minute photoshoot with the girls in black and white

6.20pm- start shooting. Fire dance routines bright clearer shots and lip synching. Including the ham behind the scenes dance with knees and elbows.

7.20pm- shot of reily smirking into the camera slowly putting on the rabbit head. Shoots to GEORGE SURREY IN THE DARK OR LIGHT SMIRKING FACING CAMERA PUTTING THE RABBOT HEAD ON. 

7.35- Callum in fire shot at 1.48 needs to be  in it with the boys.

7.50pm-Re do lighting match and blowing the light out.

8.20pm- lanterns

set up hose

9pm- – Paige and callum relationship Paige and callum relationship- silouhette relationship - more aggressive and realistic

9.20pm- Black lines when dancing – 0.57 have more close up shots of this to different angles. no hose pipe showing!

9.50pm-  picking girls up- random scene shots and girls and boys random dance routines.Boys pick up girls stick up foot in the air and paige stands at front alone – sit on grass.  silouhetee ideas. all rabbit head silouhetees. tom too comical.

10.10pm Paige lit up from the front with silouhettes in the background.

10.20pm- take a pic form inside the circle Paige with boys hands.

10.30pm – paige laying on floor with boys hands on her.

Tape pulling it out


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