Thursday, 26 September 2013

Camera - no surprise- radio head

No surprise - Radio Head

Breaking or reinforcing conventions? Or both ? why ?

breaking as not stereotypical scenario- unexpected location - the camera only has one shot. Also there is no transitions. done in one long shot to smbolize that it is done all in one shot.- and then as there is no other frames tha woud of suggetsed that he is done it again - appreicate.

however he does lip sync which is common in music videos. - allows more emotion to emphasized as he is reflecting the words of the song.

there is lighting that change to reflect the emotions and  of the artist. starts of as blue to reflect that he is underwater- engages audience want them to be clear as to what it is as the location does not change. gets darker and then gets black. gets more depressing. suggesting the video is ending.

Concept and music ?

 he is underwater - depressed - covered by something that he cannot escape as he is removed form it as the end suggest she has put himself under with this metaphorical meaning and then he brings himself to the surface - out of the surreal world?  been replenished - removed of sins?  reinforced by the smile at the end.

image- what is being sold through this concept

the water is bulidng is is 'drowning his sorrows'
then is no lyrics now as there is no ;yrics at that point.
ruins the realism of the piece. so
he  is not lip synching is faking it trying to exagerate csnt even lip synching anymore as he is drowning.
breking conventions can be sold as it is unexpected - engaging and rebelliou swhoch is thrilling.

he is not steretypviall attractive. -
eye contact - egaging relates th eaudicn into it.

the water is builiding up - everything is getting bigger.

human life can be taken away from you-easily- helpless- emotive image - not as attractive trying to symbolize an average man.  to entice everyone in . the music starts how it ends- through th visuals too as it goes back to the stars back to the begiging again - reincarnation.

begins with falshing led lights symbolic of stars in time with the instruemnt eba

the words ar ebackwars because htere facing him ? is r he reasding the lyrics? - helmet o and stars suggets he  is space.

 the artist - constant close up of his face - audience will recognize this - he is being filmed in a surreal location - engages and interests the audience. he is underwater .

self reflexive- why does this apply

depressed- cannot escape  and then was able to escape- wants to be underneatht he water refecting. Trying to drown himself.

hyperesltiy - exagerating what it feel slike to be dperessed and then bring yourself out of it. through water being symbolic of feeling depressed sad, cant breahte, then coming up symbolic of being rpelenished of depression and can breahte again.

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