Monday, 23 September 2013

Dominating shots.

Within the music video- Ms Mr ' fantasy'

The dominating shots are medium shot/ medium close up shot. This is used to allow the audience to realize  who the artist is - as gernarlly the music video will be focused around this person. Additonally. thsi s thes artist prominence within the music video. Especially. when it is contrasted with the longer shots of the cheerleaders who are not as dominating charters due to it not be from there point of view and so the long sot does not focus on them all as clearly and prominently as a medium close up shot does of the music artist as she is communicating the love story form her point of view/ narrative.

Rudimental - Not giving in - bird eyes view shot- the music video is directed at an american/ english audience ( as the lyrics are spoken in english) therefore as the location is exotic in terms of the audience they are appealing too they are showing long shots and bird eye view to communicate to their audience where the music video is set.

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